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How can DAVSC certification be the next step after DASSM?


DAVSC Certification

Do you wish to expand the use of Disciplined Agile outside of specific teams and use it throughout your entire organization to speed up value creation at scale?

You can optimize enterprise-wide value streams with the help of the Disciplined Agile Value Stream Consultant (DAVSC) credential, which combines methods from Flow, Lean, the Theory of Constraints, and Organizational Development.

Let us explore DAVSC (Disciplined Agile Value Stream Consultant) Certification in detail:

A Brief Overview of Disciplined Agile

Disciplined Agile is a refreshing and novel idea that embraces the contextual nature of any project or Team and provides multiple choices for the project/team to continuously improve their way of working. 

By implementing disciplined agile, teams will be able to self-organize and self-improve, making better decisions and achieving better results. A coach should start with the “SHU-HA-RI” concept rather than a scrum master. The SHU refers to the beginner, and the DASM certification introduces the Foundation layer of Disciplined Agile. In fact, You’ll learn about Disciplined Agile Principles, Guidelines, and Promises, as well as related concepts such as Process Goals and Process Blades. Moreover, Participants at the entry-level can begin using Disciplined Agile and the DA toolkit for better outcomes.

DASSM certification is at the intermediate level and goes into some advanced level of Disciplined Agile. This equips the DASSM to work on complex projects with the DA toolkit.

However, this journey of Disciplined Agile with DASM and DASSM is to make you a Disciplined Agile Coach. As Disciplined Agile truly believes in today’s times, you need a Coach more than a Scrum Master. In terms of their approach, Scrum Masters are very limited. With the Disciplined Agile toolkit, the Coach works not only on the team but also on the organizational level to become a Super Coach.

DAC works primarily with the Team. All organizational problems manifest at the team level, and by solving the team problems, we improve the organization’s agility. Organization agility is top-down and bottom-up. Additionally, DAC does not look at the macro level or organizational agility. And here, DAVSC comes into play!!!

A brief History of DAVSC Certification– why was it part of Disciplined Agile?

DAVSC (Disciplined Agile Value Stream Consultant) was not part of the original Disciplined Agile journey of “SHU- HA-RI”. PMI 2019 acquired Disciplined Agile and created Net Objectives. So, Net Objectives introduced Lean thinking and practices in disciplined Agile. Moreover, PMI’s expertise filled a gap in the organization’s ability to be agile. In 2022, they introduced the DAVSC certification.

DAVSC certifications help define a Value Creation Structure and define teams, enhancing efficiency, reducing waste, and increasing time-to-market. The disciplined Agile toolkit is extensively used by the DAVSC to bring organizational agility. In order to bring about enterprise agility, DAVSC certification instills lean thinking and practices.

DAVSC combines flow, lean, Theory of Constraints (ToC), human behavior, organizational development theories, and practices into Disciplined Agile to optimize corporate value streams.

Whether it’s a SAFe program, an Agile transformation, or any other Agile approach, this certification focuses on what you’re doing now. In other words, the idea is to make you more effective at work – more agile.

In particular, the DAVSC certification focuses on the emerging field of Value Stream consultancy. It is rare but will be a critical capability as businesses become more agile. Several organizations consider it a mandatory skill set and introduce you to the right way to do agility.  

Because of the scarcity of this skill set, the DAVSC certification has become quite an interesting and evolving subject. Let’s explore the Value Stream Consultant in more detail.

What is a Value Stream Consultant?

A Value Stream Consultant focuses on implementing the Value Stream. From the customer request to the customer realization, a Value Stream consists of a series of actions. Therefore, the Value Stream crosses multiple teams and functions. Additionally, To create a reasonable Value Stream, you must create a good Value Stream structure.

DAVSC requires the Master Level because DAVSCs work primarily with leadership teams and involve significant changes in organizational structure. For a DAVSC professional, a mature growth mindset and substantial experience in Agile are essential.

While all the certifications are more or less tactical from the Disciplined Agile stack, DAVSC certification is more strategic.

How DAVSC Certification can help the organization?

The DAVSC certification helps to bring enterprise agility: 

  • Reduce Waste
  • Increase Collaboration
  • Increase Time to Market
  • Higher Morale in the Team

It helps organizations design and facilitate a tailored approach to improve customer value delivery. A stagnated transition or a transition to new Agile practices can benefit from this approach.

This will also help to determine the best place for an organization to begin value stream improvements. It may be a business area or operational area, or implementation area. For example, it may be Portfolio Product Management or Development area. Or, for that matter, any function.

It will also help teach new practices and thinking and build a new culture of improvement.

The DAVSC certification will be helpful to people who want to lead transformational efforts in their organizations or consultants who wish to improve and make their companies do better at what they are doing. Or learn how lean, flow, and Theory of Constraints (ToC) work together.

Why DAVSC Certification becomes the next step post – DASSM Certification?

DAVSC certification is one of the most elite certifications currently available. As a result of its consideration, the impact it can have on the organization will be tremendous. It provides an effective combination of lean, flow, and TOC that is relevant to solving current organizational problems.

However, mastering and applying this knowledge to your current organization requires mastery. Mastery can include Lean, Agile practices, a growth mindset, or mature skill sets working with the leadership.

To succeed in the future phase, each step must earn, and you must be ready for it.

The pre-requisite for DAVSC certification is DASSM certified, and rightly so, as the DASSM certification gives you a great idea and application on complex projects. There are complex scaling factors involved in a team. In this course, you will learn how to use the Discipline Agile toolkit in depth. Several factors, such as Value Streams, Metrics, and Pragmatic Planning, are presented, which lead to mastery. The more you understand DASSM, the easier it will be for you to understand DAVSC. Moreover, PMI® has made it a mandatory requirement to be DASSM certified to even sit for a DAVSC workshop.

As shown in the following diagram, various popular certifications compete against one another. The chart below is praised for clarifying how credentials stack up among the project management community. 


Why is it so crucial in the current scheme of things?

Every business wants to score with its customers in this cut-throat world of competition. A small start-up can rise and challenge a big player on skill and technology and the ability to deliver sooner and with the correct value. The fact of the matter is that more prominent organizations are losing businesses to smaller organizations. More importantly, they accept issues and problems to solve as they enter a new era where Agility is no choice but has to be part of the system.

But many need to learn how. What’s the process? What should be done? Where to start and how to start?

I believe DAVSC has answers to many of these questions. So, you must learn about the world of Disciplined Agile Value Stream Consultants from ProThoughts Solutions!


DAVSC Certification helps organizations to achieve true enterprise agility. It helps one to get experience with leadership roles. In fact, ​A DAVSC certification provides information on how to build and manage an organization effectively and efficiently. Here, the focus is on delivering value to the consumer in the simplest manner possible. Also, it ensures the delivery of that value as a whole.

ProThoughts’ DAVSC workshop is a game-based learning approach course that helps you to relate to Agile concepts. This course will give you the skills you need to apply the ideas in the workplace and pass the DAVSC certification exam.

So, why not take a step towards your Disciplined Agile Value Stream Consultant (DAVSC) journey with ProThoughts?

Name Date & TimeOnline

April Batch (4 Days Weekend) – DAVSC Online Training Workshop

27th, 28th April , 4th & 5th May
Sat and Sun- 5:30 to 11:30 pm, IST

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