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PMP Success Story By Mr Pradeep Soni


My PMP journey originally started in year 2016 when as I was actually working as Assistant Manager-IT in shipping company. My IT head warned me that PMP certifications is not easy to crack and need lot of hard work & dedication. I also realised that even though I am an M.B.A in Project Management but clearing PMP is a tough tasks. In real life, I always tend to be positive and have strong believe in myself which driven me to move ahead in pursuing PMP.

My next step was to search for best institute which could teach me PMI’s world renowned & top rated Project Management Professional (PMP) course. After thorough research and comparing all other training institutes I finally landed to Prothoughts located in Andheri East and decided to get myself trained from them as they were the best in the market.

I registered myself to exclusive PMP SUCCESS ™ Exam Preparatory workshop 5th edition with Rita Mulcahy material, which was conducted at Hotel VITS, Andheri East. Entire Couse durations was for 4 days (2 weekends). Workshop was easily accessible and setup was excellent and perfect to learn PMP.

Mr. Ashish Sadekar was our trainer and we were lucky to get trained from him. His teaching style, methods & Rita Mulcahy material really helped to get good understanding on PMP concepts, knowledge areas, Process groups, T&T & ITTO.

Prothoughts also helped us in submitting PMP applications which got approved within 1 week duration. They also provided 4 full length MOC tests which also helped to get prepared for real exam.

I ensured to get fully prepared for the exam but due to some personal reasons I couldn’t appear for the exam in 2016.

All these years till 2020, I had that grudge of not completing PMP in 2016 but then 2020 gave that opportunity again. Year 2020 was certainly not the best for most of us because of COVID-19 pandemic however it created an opportunity for working professionals to pursue their certifications together while working from home. I also discovered that PMP exam certification last day (based on 6th edition) has also got extended till 31st Dec’2020.  This news gave me some confidence and  time window to start again to pursue my long back dream of getting magical 3 letter words after my name.

I started with my studies post country wide lockdown from mid-March’2020. I also found that there were some 10-15% changes from 5th to 6th edition PMBOK guide however it didn’t troubled me to understand them.

Initially I started with Rita Mulcahy material and went through it almost 3 times which build my base. I also referred Head First & then 6th edition PMBOK guide and finally made my own notes for quick references and during exam time. Making self-notes was an important part and will suggest every PMP aspirants to spare time in making it.

After all these studies, I was still not confident and so connected with with Mr. Siddhanth Bitla (Prothoughts) and took his guidance for advanced preparation. Siddhanth understood my situation and asked me to register for PMP refresher course which was suppose to held in Sep’20.

Without much thinking, I registered for this 2 day refresher courses which was taken by Mr. Ashish Sadekar. This 2 day refresher course proved to be game changer for me as I was able to digest the entire syllabus smoothly. It also helped me to learn some new tips and techniques which was must for the exams.

Post clarifying all my doubts and after preparing self notes, I went with another challenging tasks to take on 200 questions – full length 4 hours MOC exams. Solving MOC exams actually prepared myself to build that strength, stamina and mind set to get ready for real exam.

I must tell you that all PMP aspirants need to attempt not less than 2500+ questions before they sit to actual PMP exam. Also try to score between 75-80% on every attempts.

After 6 months of thorough study and practising around 2500+ MOC questions from reliable sources, I developed that confidence and started thinking as Project Manager and was scoring above 85% in MOC exams.

Finally, I scheduled my exam on 28th Oct’2020 @ 11:30 AM IST. Last night before exam, I managed to get just 4-5 hours sleep as it is obvious that many thoughts were jumbling inside my mind but I still tried to keep my cool.

On the exam day, I took warm bath, had light snacks and after taking all the blessings from my Parents and God, made my way to the exam center.

Reached PearsonVue center @11:00 AM so I had to wait for 20 minutes before they allowed me in. I followed all the formality required before you sit for the exam. Then started my exam @ sharp 11:30 AM IST.

Post 89 questions, I took my 10 minutes break. During the break I had few almonds and water. Started with final session & 111 questions to attempt.

OH GOD!!! I was so nervous while submitting the exam and was not that confident whether I am passing. Submitted the exam and after 10 secs saw that CONGRATULATIONS message which made me emotional and couldn’t control my tears.

Finally, I enjoyed that precious moment with my family and offered special praying and sweets to GOD for making my dream come true.

Thanks Prothoughts & team for all your assistance and support in dire situations. Special thanks to Siddhanth Bitla who always motivated and believed in me. You guys are rocking.

Read another PMP certification success storie By Mr Raman Nanda


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